Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Simple Tips To Save Gas

By Michael Baker

Gas prices are getting close to an all time high. Here are a few tips to save gas you can start using right now to off set this.

Savings of upwards of 20% are not unheard of if you just take an active role in managing your gas.

Or, the other way to look at it, would be that you can increase your gas mileage by 20%. Sounds far fetched? Not really. It is more possible than ever these days.

First, slow down. You do not need to drive so fast, or to accelerate faster than everyone else from the stop signs and the stop lights. Not only will this help on gas mileage, but it will also help with the maintenance of the car.

Your car needs oxygen to burn gas and make the engine run. But, if you have too much oxygen, there will be gas left over after the combustion takes place. This is wasted gas. The most likely culprit of this is a loose gas cap. When you replace the cap after filling up, just make sure it clicks.

You also uses less gas when the car is aligned properly. But for this tip, just make sure the aire in the tires is inflated to the optimal pressure rating, which is listed on the side of the tires. You will notice an immediate difference in the drivability of the car. This, in turn, will take less gas to make it go forward.

The most uninformed habit out there by millions is buying super unleaded fuel. There is no need in this. I really don't care what the car manuals tell you, your car runs just as efficiently on regular unleaded as it does super unleaded. This change alone will save you 5-6% in gas.

There are so many tips to save gas out there, and these are only a few of them. With the economics and the market prices of gas currently, I would suggest we all do our part and put in place as many tips to save gas as we can.

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