There are several ways you can continue to live your normal lifestyle in these tough times. All you have to do is save on gas. When you need your car to get you places and need it to get your job done, you need to focus on how much gas you spend. With gas costing around $4 a gallon , we need to save all the gas we can. Here are some great tips on how to do just that.
If we want to continue living with our normal lifestyle we are going to have to learn how to save gas. When your car is an essential part of getting your job done, then you need to pay attention to how much gas you spend. Crude oil is going way up, at costs well over $130 a barrel and gas prices sitting at $4 a gallon, we need to find other options. The following tips will help you learn how to save on gas.
The way HHOs work is very simple: A small canister is placed in the car and the contents are bicarb of soda mixed with water. The canister is hooked into the battery and it creates HHO gas, which is sent to the manifold or to the carburetor, whichever your car has. This type of system will save you about 30% on your gas. The engine also runs quieter and even more efficiently
HHOs work in the following way. A small canister is mixed with water and bicarb of soda, this canister then get power from the battery and produces HHO gas which is sent to the manifold or carburetor. What you end up with is an increase in MPG, by about 30%.Users of HHO systems also say their engine seems to run more efficiently. Not only that but you also release fewer emissions into the environment.
Turn off your car immediately when you get somewhere. Don't run your car on idle as it wastes a lot of gas. Here are some other tips on basic car maintenance that can help you save on gas.
* Turn off the air conditioner in heavy traffic, and on the highway be sure it is on, because when you roll down the windows you create drag which makes your car use more energy. * Get rid of extra weight in your car. Make sure you don't carry anything you don't need. The extra weight causes your car to use more energy. * Don't use anything that will interfere with your cars aerodynamics. So, don't use luggage racks, bike racks or anything like that. * Check the tire pressure. If your tires are not inflated then your car spends more gas. * Make sure your car is clean and waxed because friction with air causes your car to lose gas mileage.
Other things that have to do with maintenance will also help you save on gas. Make sure that you change your air filter every 10,000 miles, and make sure you get your oil changed on time. Get your car tuned and inspected as it should be, to keep it running well.
These tips can help you save gas, but you should also keep your tank full but not over full. Remember this is added weight and added weight drags your car. If you do all of these you wont be bothered so much by rising gas prices.
About the Author:
You can get a FREE report on tips to save gas which will definitely help you combat the increase in gas prices currently going on.
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